
Showing posts from September, 2020

Microsoft Edge :Web Browser can be installed as an application in your system

Dear Innovation Lovers, Have you heard that, any web page you go through, can be installed as an application in your system by just a simple click? check this article for step by step setup. Pre-requisite - This feature available in Microsoft Edge version  85.0.564.51 1:First, open any web browser in Microsoft Edge( I have selected Microsoft Dynamics Community Page) 2: Select the 3 dots top of the right corner and options will come up 3: Select "Apps" option from the same form 4: One option will pop up "Install this site as an app" 5: Name it ( I have named as "D365 Community"), you can add any. 5: URA!!! The web browser is installed For more feature like this follow me on on LinkedIn  Ramit Paul Follow my Microsoft Community Blog  My Microsoft Dynamics Community Blog

Making Accounting Entry Private and Confidential

Hello MSDynamics 365 lovers, In this blog I shall share the security configuration for journal names, where we can make journal as private and can not be seen by anyone, except required people. Business scenario - Some transactions must be very much confidential for all the users and must be visible only for few stakeholders from business. Lets explore the step by step configuration to meet this requirement. Step 1: Create a new Journal name or you can use the existing journal to meet this requirement  Step 2: Create user group and add users, or you can use existing user group with required users added Step3: Add the restriction to the "Private for user group" under "BLOCKING" into the Journal. Step 4: Configuration is done Now this JOURNAL can not be seen by anyone except the users added into the user group (Branch HR in our case) If you have any query, kindly reach out to me in linkedin

Financial Control on Journal Names for important entry

Hello Dynamics Lover, In this article, I shall articulate the nice out of box functionality, which is a very common ask form customer from the financial control point of view. The business scenario is as follows Very Common - For some journal posting (example, salary, employee expenses, outgoing payments), customer wants to put control on bookings, they want to restrict those kinds of postings with additional approval before posting. We shall create a Salary Journal and make this for required approval before posting (without workflow) 1: Create a journal name and add a number sequence by standard way  (General Ledger-> Journal Setup-> Journal Names) 2:Create a User group (System administration-> Users-> User Groups)       3:  Add approvers, who will approve these postings, (System administration-> Users-> User Groups-> add users) 4.     4:   Add the user group to Journal name you have created (General Ledger-> J...